Tuesday, July 30, 2013

9 Reason why I joined at Aim Global Marketing.

Are you in facebook everyday? Just asking question,

Why, because?

In the past days, if you notice there is always a post, and comment about Aim Global, their product,  a testimony, how to join, etc, sound like all people are member of this networking, why, is there a competition, maybe, but I thinks, it’s not. They a just doing their own strategy to get a member and sell their product, they are not competing, they are in one group.

But why they decide to join in Aim Global despite of there is so many distributors already they know. Why they joined? A question which is I ask in myself.

I think, I also want to joined, but my husband told me, it’s the same with the other, a Pyramiding, but I insisted, first thing I told him, is, we can have a house from this, he won’t believe, but when he learned that our friend has collected money from the bank which she earned from Aim Global, it’s got his attention, it’s true, he said another way of source of income, so, I convinced him to let me join, Maybe this is also the  first reason why other joining in Aim Global.

Life is so difficult now, if you have no job you can’t survived. Anyone can do anything to have money, I believe God will help us but we must do our part to have His blessing, the bible say, "the lazy should not eat" so, and we must work.

So, I joined at Aim Global and from this, I learned, there is much more reason why people joined in this.

Let me share you, here are, that might be a 9 reason why they choose to  joined, despite of big amount of money that you will put in it, but it is just one time payment of 7,980 pesos. 

Here are;

  1. You will get Free Package of 5 boxes of C24 supplement product worth of 6 thousand pesos.
  2. You can get a 25 percent discount on all product.
  3. You will have a Personal Accident Insurance Certificate, so, you’re secured.
  4. ATM Card Bank Account.
  5. Business Kit.
  6. Business Tracking Web pages
  7. Free medical check up.
  8. Transferable Certificate of Scholarship for Computer Course, so, you have chance to study.
  9. A nonstop learning, every day there’s a free seminar to enrich your knowledge on recruiting and selling, some technique to use, and a motivation words from aim global mentor.
You will get all of this, right away once you become a member.

About your free C24 supplement, What can you do on this?
  • You can sell it for 1,200 pesos each box, total of 6 thousand pesos
  • You can use it, it’s a natural vitamins that good for the body, (my husband use it already as his maintenance vitamins, its good)
  • Use it, as a sample to recruit people.
  • Or give to someone who have a health problem, it’s not vitamins only, it also a medicine the can heal diseases.
I didn't recommend this but for me it a good source of income, but there are two way you can use this, 

  • To earn money by recruiting. 
  • To earn money by selling product.

Another option to consider.

If you don’t want to recruit or to sell, you can use it for your health as a maintenance vitamins and medicine.

So, what more? It’s just a few reasons; there is more reason that benefits you as a member of this networking company.

It’s your turn, post a comment if you want something to say, you are free to ask. Or click this pages, www.facebook.com/virgieaimglobal

Monday, July 29, 2013

AIM Global #1 Network Marketing Company

ALLIANCE IN MOTION GLOBAL, INC. was founded on the premise of creating a company that is "Pro-Distributor" since the founders themselves were distributors. The combination of the founders, equipped with their own expertise like a leader builder, a visionary and marketing specialist, created a very successful company known today as Alliance In Motion Global, Inc.

We lead the network marketing industry with distinctive marketing strategies, exemplary leadership and excellent product lines. With it's phenomenal sales contribution, the industry recognized and awarded the company and our products with seven achievement awards from different bodies promoting product excellence in the country.

Through the efforts and ideas of our founders, we became profitable growing company abiding in it's commitment for efficiency and success in-spite of the challenging times.

We keep on moving forward indisputedly, as the leading MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING COMPANY in it's worldwide history.

5 Reasons why Network Marketing is the Perfect Business.

1. You Can Start Your Business Today

Unlike other types of opportunities, you don’t need a degree in business administration to start your own venture. A network marketing business is one that you can start today. It is set up in a way which allows new business owners to start working toward their goal of financial freedom from where they are right now.

2. Low Start-up Costs

Another reason why network marketing is the perfect business is due to its low start-up costs. You don’t need to spend time conducting research to develop products for sale, conduct market research surveys or any of the other steps involved in launching a business on your own. For a relatively small investment, you gain access to products which are ready to go and that buyers are already interested in purchasing.

3. Marketing Training is Provided

Once you choose a program, marketing training will be provided to you from the outset. A good quality program provides ongoing training so that you do not need to feel as if you are in business by yourself. You do not need to spend time reinventing the wheel in your marketing efforts when your network marketing program gives you the tools you need for success right out of the box.

4. Lead Generation Strategy is in Place

Effective lead generation is an area that many businesses find challenging. In order to continually generate revenue, the sales funnel for the business must be kept full with new leads coming in all the time. We offers a plan for generating leads for your business, which may include a customized website or other ways of attracting people who are interested in what you have to offer and motivated to make a decision and take action right away.

5. No Limit on Earnings

For many people, the idea of financial security stems from having a job and working for an employer. This is understandable,- but inaccurate. A person who trades a certain number of hours per day or per week to an employer in return for a set amount of compensation is limited in the amount that he or she can earn. With network marketing, a member is rewarded based on his or her level of effort, not what someone else decides that he or she is worth.

Consider these 5 reasons why network marketing is the perfect business and then decide whether this model is right for you. Choosing it means that you get access to a system that works, as well as the help and support of like-minded people on your team. You do not need to go it alone to set up a successful online networking business.


For More Info Visit: https://www.facebook.com/virgieaimglobal
CP#: 09494682876

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Alliance in motion Global Inc.

What is Aim Global? It means Alliance in motion Global Inc. this a company created by distributor now a owner of this company because of their expertise they joined together and created Alliance in motion Global known as Aim Global because of the help of their partner like Nature’s way company, they grew bigger now not locally but internationally. (www.AllianceInMotion.com)

Maybe some people think that this bogus, scam or maybe pyramiding.

By the way what is pyramiding?

Pyramiding is the networking like a web, who’s the owner, the spider, is only one who earns and get rich but the follower did not.

But the Aim Global also networking but not scam or pyramiding, why? because the owner and follower earned both, and both get rich. They shared in the income of Aim Global, in fact, they are a member of Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Why I say this is not scam? According to the person who recruits me, who is also a friend of my friend and gave up her job in Hong-Kong, who is in Aim Global for years have testified it.

Why I believe them? because they show me their account, in a week they got as much as 70 thousand pesos from rebate and points they earned in buying product and recruiting people, she also testified the people who healed by Aim Global product like C24,

There are also many benefit here, here are some of them. 
  • Free scholarship, in this time, it’s so hard to study because of high tuition fee, this is a chance to afford it, and the Aim Global will help you.
  • Life insurance, we didn't know what will happen to us, in case, your family will benefit it, even yourself.
  • Free medical and product worth of 6000 pesos for initial use and selling, if you are good in selling item this product is an instant replacement for your capital of 7,980 when you join Aim Global, so, if you sell all product you will get your 6000 pesos.
  • Travel benefit if you reach the points to become ambassador.

The benefit I mention are just few, there are more benefit you can receive by joining Aim Global. It’s just one time sacrifice for 8,000 pesos but a long term income and benefit.

At Aim Global is like studying in business school, earn while you are studying, soon you will become expert and earn more money, not like in real school after graduation you will look for a job, good thing if you find, what if not, you will join in a hundred people without work, instead of joining Aim Global. It’s just one time investment, study while earning after a year you can achieve your goal. Aim global will help you in your quest to get rich,

There are so many OFW who gives up their work to focus on this marketing, plus they are with their love one now.Instead of buying gadgets like cell phone why don’t you use your money first to join Aim Global, your gadgets can’t give you what they can give.

Who say this a scam? try it first, there no one who forces you to give money, take first a seminar then you are the one to decide.

Don’t believe in other people who have no guts and confine themselves in believing this is a scam. Stand out and have your own outlook. Do not fear to join. Aim Global will help and teach you how to sell and increase your income whether you are part time or pull time distributor, by continued attending to their seminars.

According to Mr. John Asperin a Vice President for Marketing of Aim Global “chasing successes is not done when we are already old and time is running out”

What we are waiting for lets join together to build our future at Aim Global. (www.facebook.com/virgieaimglobal)

Nature's Way as Industry Leader

Over the last three and a half decades, Nature's
Way has pioneered more than just herbal and
nutritional science. The company is a recognized
leader among all of the nutritional and dietary
supplement companies in America. 

Our list of "firsts" is extensive, and many of them pioneered
the way retailers, consumers, industry,
competitors, and even government viewed herbal
and nutritional supplements. Here are a few of
the things of which we are the most proud:

First nutritional products manufacturer with a
state-of-the-art, pharmaceutically licensed facility
First major certified organic producer
First to bring significant European phytomedicines
(plant based medicines) to market

First to spend more than a million dollars on
legislative efforts to protect health freedoms
First industry recognized GMP (good
manufacturing processes) facility

First to fund major third party organizations to
responsibly disseminate health information and
ensure quality
More than Just a Business
Nature's Way has a rich tradition of giving back.
The company's business success has translated to
success outside of the day-to-day operation. Over
the years, it has been done in various ways and
in varying amounts, but the fundamental belief
has not changed. 

The company is fortunate to
operate in essentially a "green" industry, and
causes from environmental protection to local
community programs have been an important
part of Nature's Way's mission. The projects over
the years have included:

Founding donor of groups to protect the world's
rain forests, with most of the successful work in
Samoa and Southeast Asia.
Vitamins for the poor in developing nations.
Donations to fund raisers for breast cancer and
other chronic diseases.

Support for self reliance programs for the
homeless in select western U.S. cities.
Sponsorship effort to provide complete holiday
support for local Latino children.
Support for local youth and adult athletic leagues,
including the Nature's Way women's soccer team.

"Trust the Leaf"
The company logo for Nature's Way is a green
leaf. It symbolizes health, life, and nature. The
accompanying slogan invites the world to "Trust
the Leaf." It's more than just words on paper.

It's the creed that the company operates by
everyday. "Trust the Leaf" is taken seriously by
everyone in the Nature's Way organization. The
company strives to manufacture the very best
possible nutritional products for human consumption. 

It starts with the initial trust of our
retailers and affiliated business partners. This
trust has been earned by decades of working
hard to responsibly advance the supplement industry. 

It ends with the trust of satisfied
consumers whose expectations have been
exceeded. The company knows that millions of
people rely on Nature's Way products for the
maintenance of good health. 

It's a legacy and a pledge that is sacred. That's what it means to
"Trust the Leaf."

Nature's Way Today
Today Nature's Way is located at 825 Challenger
Drive, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54311 U.S.A. The
company is now one of the largest and most
technologically advanced of all supplement
manufacturers in the United States. 

This unusual marriage of nature and science lives in harmony
within the Nature's Way organization. The
company offers over 700 premium nutritional and
natural products. 

The product line includes single herbs, herbal extracts and formulations, full line
vitamins and minerals, high potency branded
vitamins, homeopathic products, and various
specialty products for a wide range of health


Our heart is the center of our cardiovascular
system, and it is vitally responsible for just about
everything that gives our body life -- ranging from
the transportation of oxygen to the success of our
immune system. 

However, the foods we eat and
the amount of activity we choose to take part in
can dramatically affect the overall health of our
heart and the many other tissues that make up
our cardiovascular system.

Our blood pressure is one area of heart health
that needs to be regularly checked and regulated.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, can be
affected by our overall weight, especially once we
reach a body mass index score of 30 or higher.

This score is classified as obese. Excess fat
increases the work our heart has to perform to
pump blood throughout our body. The harder our
heart works, the more pressure is placed on the
walls of our arteries, which can increase our risk
for blood vessel damage. 

Lowering our body weight by even as little as 5 to 10 percent can
lower our blood pressure and increase our heart health.

Controlling our cholesterol also plays an important
role in heart health; it decreases our risks for
heart disease, heart attack and stroke. The two
main kinds of cholesterol are low-density
lipoprotein -- LDL or the "bad" cholesterol -- and
high-density lipoprotein -- HDL or the "good"

The LDL cholesterol is found in foods
high in saturated fat, especially animal fats. When
consumed in high levels, LDL cholesterol can build
up in the bloodstream and calcify into hard
plaque. This plaque makes it difficult for blood to
circulate through the affected arteries, increasing
our risk for cardiovascular damage.

Taking care of our heart also affects our blood
circulation. Good circulation is needed to
transport oxygen and nutrients to the many
different cells in our body. Without proper
circulation, tissues begin to die, which can result
in amputations or even death, depending on what
tissues are not getting enough oxygen. 

High blood pressure, cholesterol plaque and other heart
diseases can all affect our body's ability to
transport blood efficiently throughout our body.
To keep our heart healthy, our body needs
adequate amounts of exercise accompanied by a
heart-healthy diet. Get at least 30 minutes of
exercise five days a week. 

A heart-healthy diet consists of the majority of our calories coming
from vegetables, fruits and high-fiber foods like
legumes and whole grains. These foods are
accompanied in moderation by lean proteins,
especially fish, as well as low-fat dairy products,
nuts and seeds.

Alliance in Motion Global's nutra-ceutical products
that are best taken for our heart's health include

*C24/7 Natura-ceuticals to maintain a normal blood pressure, 

*Choleduz Omega Supreme to lower down bad cholesterol, and 

*Vida Cardio-ceutical Drink for proper blood circulation!


For more INFO:
CP# 09494682876



“All men dream: but not equally. Those who
dream by night in the dusty recesses of their
minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity,
but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,
for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to
make it possible.”

T.E. Lawrence,
The world of Alliance In Motion Global is made of
distinct dynamism and pure excellence. It is a
factual world where realism is at hand.It has the
Love and Passion from its rich and strong
foundation of integrity and dignity.With its
powerful products and time-tested concrete
Marketing Plan, Alliance In Motion Global now put
in life the true meaning, and the need to achieve

We believe whole heartedly with the responsibility
of that, YOUR DREAM, IS OUR PLAN! Because it
was once said that the greatest source of illness
in this world is an empty income, and if you give
a person an opportunity to earn what they're
worth, it is the greatest and powerful remedy
SUCCESS is the willingness to DREAM, to do HARD
WORK, to be CONSISTENT, to be of SERVICE and

AT AIM GLOBAL!!! Home based working people
and All people working Abroad!!!
Do you want to earn extra income for part time?
or Do you want to have your own business with
less capital while working at your present job and
get higher income and position?

This is the right time for you to join with a high class business
marketing that can change your life style and had
a chance to make your Dreams Come True

To become a distributor,You should purchase a
Global Package!
The Global Package (Php 7980) entitles a person to
become an AIM Global Distributor ...

For more INFO:
CP# 09494682876