Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sharing iBlog Story.

Sharing with this blog.

I was here at iBlog Philippines Summit
Blogging is awesome; it can be used in any field. Especially in business, its content use as powerful marketing tool. (#bentalk2013, #iBlog9)

I was overwhelm when I learned, that there is a Blogging Summit, my wife knows that I waited an event like this, so, she registered my name in the event of  iBlog - the Philippine Blogging Summit held at UP College of Law, last May 31,  and June 1, 2013, it was sponsored by Solaire Resorts, Sun iMessenger, Vibal Foundation, and Alfox Computer Center

In the first day. it was opened by Ms. Janette Toral by Flag Ceremony and Prayer then followed by the First speaker Mr. Ben Francia, one of the blogging influencer, He shared his story when he start blogging up to this date that he reach where he is now. He gives the blogger some tips, and then followed by other speaker who also shared their knowledge and experiences to motivate the bloggers/attendees. I take Photo of every lecture in the screen. Each speaker gives us a chance to ask question after their lecture,

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