Tuesday, July 30, 2013

9 Reason why I joined at Aim Global Marketing.

Are you in facebook everyday? Just asking question,

Why, because?

In the past days, if you notice there is always a post, and comment about Aim Global, their product,  a testimony, how to join, etc, sound like all people are member of this networking, why, is there a competition, maybe, but I thinks, it’s not. They a just doing their own strategy to get a member and sell their product, they are not competing, they are in one group.

But why they decide to join in Aim Global despite of there is so many distributors already they know. Why they joined? A question which is I ask in myself.

I think, I also want to joined, but my husband told me, it’s the same with the other, a Pyramiding, but I insisted, first thing I told him, is, we can have a house from this, he won’t believe, but when he learned that our friend has collected money from the bank which she earned from Aim Global, it’s got his attention, it’s true, he said another way of source of income, so, I convinced him to let me join, Maybe this is also the  first reason why other joining in Aim Global.

Life is so difficult now, if you have no job you can’t survived. Anyone can do anything to have money, I believe God will help us but we must do our part to have His blessing, the bible say, "the lazy should not eat" so, and we must work.

So, I joined at Aim Global and from this, I learned, there is much more reason why people joined in this.

Let me share you, here are, that might be a 9 reason why they choose to  joined, despite of big amount of money that you will put in it, but it is just one time payment of 7,980 pesos. 

Here are;

  1. You will get Free Package of 5 boxes of C24 supplement product worth of 6 thousand pesos.
  2. You can get a 25 percent discount on all product.
  3. You will have a Personal Accident Insurance Certificate, so, you’re secured.
  4. ATM Card Bank Account.
  5. Business Kit.
  6. Business Tracking Web pages
  7. Free medical check up.
  8. Transferable Certificate of Scholarship for Computer Course, so, you have chance to study.
  9. A nonstop learning, every day there’s a free seminar to enrich your knowledge on recruiting and selling, some technique to use, and a motivation words from aim global mentor.
You will get all of this, right away once you become a member.

About your free C24 supplement, What can you do on this?
  • You can sell it for 1,200 pesos each box, total of 6 thousand pesos
  • You can use it, it’s a natural vitamins that good for the body, (my husband use it already as his maintenance vitamins, its good)
  • Use it, as a sample to recruit people.
  • Or give to someone who have a health problem, it’s not vitamins only, it also a medicine the can heal diseases.
I didn't recommend this but for me it a good source of income, but there are two way you can use this, 

  • To earn money by recruiting. 
  • To earn money by selling product.

Another option to consider.

If you don’t want to recruit or to sell, you can use it for your health as a maintenance vitamins and medicine.

So, what more? It’s just a few reasons; there is more reason that benefits you as a member of this networking company.

It’s your turn, post a comment if you want something to say, you are free to ask. Or click this pages, www.facebook.com/virgieaimglobal

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